Tuesday, August 3, 2010


As an ambitious person, when you
started your present career, you
probably set certain personal goals
for yourself; goals you hoped to
achieve. It’s also possible you gave
yourself a certain time limit in
which to achieve these goals. Have
you managed to achieve all these
goals or are you disappointed
you've not been able to achieve
the success in your career that you
If you haven't been as successful
as you hoped you would be, it's a
good idea to read the biographies
of famous personalities who
achieved exceptional success in
their careers and made a great
deal of money. Not only will you
find it very interesting and
informative, you'll also learn a
great deal that will help you in your
own career. There’s a lot to be
learnt from finding out more about
the lives of successful people who
achieved fame and distinction in
areas such business, sport, music,
entertainment, writing and other
fields. You'll find it fascinating to
discover how they were able to
achieve success in spite of having
to deal with a tremendous amount
of competition.
If you are involved in business of
any kind, you'll learn a lot from
reading biographies of successful
people like Richard Branson who
started the Virgin group of
companies; Alan Sugar who began
life selling aerials from his car and
ended up as the founder of
Amstrad; Sam Walton of Walmark,
Jeff Bozos’ of Amazon; Calvin Klein,
Michael Dell of Dell Computer,
Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, the
Chinese entrepreneur Li Ning, the
winner of three gymnastic gold
medals who decided to go into
business and started a sporting
goods empire, and individuals like
Mike Parsons, who made a success
of a medical insurance company,
Barchester Healthcare, providing
insurance for elderly people against
the advice of many.
It's also important to read about
people who made their mark in
other areas bedsides business. Find
out more about sport stars who
achieved success in their field and
earned fortunes in the process.
Read about tennis stars like Andre
Aggasi, his wife Steffi Graf, Venus
Williams, Boris Bekker. You'll also
find the biographies of golf legends
like Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus,
Gary Player not only interesting but
filled with important ideas how to
cope with set-backs in life.
When you read about famous
people who achieved success in a
variety of different careers you'll
discover some interesting facts.
Although they operated in such a
wide range of different field, these
successful people all had a number
of things in common. One feature
common to all of them was that
they all set very ambitious goals
for themselves when they started
their careers. They focused on
these goals, and never lost sight of
them throughout their careers. This
is something that won't surprise
you, because it's also what you
have done. But what you will find
very interesting is the fact that
most of these successful people
made use of very unusual methods
to achieve their goals.
When you read their biographies
carefully you'll discover that many
of these successful people used
unconventional, original methods
that were completely different to
those used by others. They were
creative, imaginative and
innovative in the way they
approached problems. They had
the courage to be different - and it
worked for them!
There’s an important lesson to be
learnt from these successful
individuals. When you examine,
very carefully and as objectively as
you can, the methods you've been
using in your own career, you may
be surprised to find that there's
nothing unique or distinctive about
the methods and techniques you
are using. The path along which
you have been traveling could
have been the same as hundreds
of your competitors and rivals.
Perhaps this explains why you
have not been as successful as you
hoped you would be, in spite of
your determination to succeed,
your persistence and all your hard
To achieve success and stand out
from the crowd, you have to be
more original, more distinctive;
more creative in your thinking than
others. This applies to whatever
field you happen to be involved in.
It applies to every aspect of
business, manufacturing,
marketing; every form of artistic
expression, creative writing, music,
theatre, sport. In fact every field in
which people strives to achieve
excellence and be rewarded for
their achievements.
To achieve the ambitious goals you
have set for yourself, it may be
necessary for you to change
direction and follow a far more
creative, original path. How can this
be done? By using your creative
imagination to devise innovative,
resourceful, new ideas. There are
techniques you can use to develop
your creative imagination - a vital,
untapped source of power buried in
your subconscious.
Creative imagination is not an
inherited natural gift that only a
gifted few are fortunate to possess.
It's a skill that can be nurtured and
Tags : freshersworld, goal setting
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A Creative Idea Can Change Your
July 16,
2010 Category : Jobs &
Are you in the search for a creative
and passionate career? Well, then
pursue your dreams and do what
you ’re best at. Creative Jobs can
help you earn more.
Some of the most creative careers
include fashion designing,
architecture and interior designing,
landscaping, music, creative writing
or freelance writing, graphic
designing, or careers in personal
aesthetics such as hair care or
make up artistry. There are other
options as well and some of these
include professions in the visual and
media arts, culinary arts or
performing and literary arts.
For instance wedding planners and
event managers have an exciting
option lined up for them. Other
than helping the side of the groom
and the bride to organize the
wedding and ensure that
everything is flawless, the event
manager coordinates with the
different people who are involved
in the wedding such as those who
have been appointed to supply the
flowers, cake, food, dresses, gowns,
choir and the list goes on.
One thing that you need to
remember is that you cannot get
started in a creative career just like
that. What you need for the
purpose is to have a flair for it and
the competence to handle it. Other
than that, main factors that are
responsible for the choice of a
creative career are:
* Personal choice
* Aptitude
* Professional criteria
* Financial feasibility
What are your career Goals?
Please comment below.
Tags : freshersworld, career, goal
setting, idea
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Self-Motivation: The biggest
Thing For Your Success
July 14,
2010 Category : Miscellaneous
In life there are
many things that can motivate us
and give the pep we need to keep
going. Religious beliefs, music,
talking to someone who is very
positive minded, watching a film
with a positive outcome, reading
books on positivity... there are
many things we could use. But why
do some things work for others but
do not work for us? Well the
answer lies in the belief system we
have built up over the years. Our
beliefs are built from years of
indoctrination of one kind or
another. Our parents put beliefs
into our heads, then we are taught
how to think at school and then we
are strongly influenced by the
television, radio and or books and
These beliefs can be helpful or
harmful to our goals in life. If you
were raised by someone who felt
that we all can only occupy one
position in life and there is no
reason to try and push against the
position you were born into by
bettering yourself, then that belief
is going to have very damaging
impact on your life. It is hard to
believe that a parent would tell this
to their child but the reason is not
always to be unkind or to harm
them in some way. It is often to
protect them from areas of
knowledge or parts of the world
that the parent simply does not
understand and therefore harbors
fears for their children as result.
Religion for example has a strong
theme about humility that people
take on to varying degrees. In
most religious belief systems you
are encouraged not to toot your
own horn and certain religious
sectors frown upon even adorning
the body in any way that might
bring 'undue' attention to someone.
Your motivation to do better would
be always impacted by this belief
that your parent has helped to
cement into your brain. So
ultimately, you may indeed listen
to a motivational CD and be moved
by it, or read book and be moved
by the exciting promise of better,
or hear a very motivational
speaker who makes an impression
upon you but given enough time
your belief system that works
against self elevation would kick in
and your motivational pull would
be killed.
Therefore your limiting, hindering
belief systems must be tackled first
if one is to be able to take flight
and make progress in a meaningful
way. Do you need help with this
topic? The best help is usually to
introduce into your life people who
will fully support you and bring out
only the best in you.
One of those people could be me!
I'm up for it! - Are you? Pop round
to my online home at
coachrosie.com and soak up clear
advice, tips, free products and short
films on self confidence, earning
enviable finance, relationships,
health and self development and
being the you you want to be. Let's
do this!
Tags : self motivation, motivate
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July 01,
2010 Category : Jobs &
What Job Interview QuestionShould
You Ask?
Be prepared to ask the right job
interview question during your
One of the easiest ways to
interview success is to prepare a list
of good interview questions to ask
the interviewer.asking thoughtful
and well-researched questions
during your job interview makes a
great impression.You demonstrate
your interest, initiative and
strategic understanding of the
position and the company.
Take advantage of the opportunity
to ask focused job interview
questions.Show that you are better
prepared than the other
candidates, use your questions to
highlight your suitability for the
job.Don't rely on the interviewer to
ask you the "right" interview
questions, take control of the
discussion by asking the job
interview question that you have
researched and prepared.Focus
rather on aspects such as role
expectations, job
priorities,departmental and
organizationalstrategy and
needs,management style and
expectations. Ask interview
questions that show how hard you
have thought about the position
and the company. Use your
research to understand as much as
possible about the organization and
its situation, the position and its
Good tips for asking a job interview
question include:
* Ask open-ended questions.Closed
questions that require just a "yes"
or "no" response contribute little to
the flow of the interview and
provide minimal information
* Avoid interrupting the
interviewer,make sure you are at
an appropriate point for your
* Only ask questions that are
relevant to the job, department,
management and organization.
* Interview questions that appear
to be challenging the interviewer or
that require knowledge or
information that the interviewer is
unlikely to have create an
uncomfortable atmosphere and
impact negatively on attempts at
establishing rapport
Go through the recommended
interview questions to ask about
the job itself,the management,the
organization and,very
importantly,what questions not to
ask during the interview!Prepare
your own list of about ten
questions,review the list a number
of times before your job interview
and be prepared to impress!
Tags : preperation for interview
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Become Better Leader
May 07,
2010 Category : Jobs &
Become a Better Leader
Some people have leadership
qualities that just seem to come
naturally. They are good with
people, good at taking charge and
they have an authority that others
just seem to respect. There are
other people who may not initially
seem to have the characteristics
that define leadership. However,
anyone can be an effective leader
if the situation calls for it. And even
the best leaders can work on
becoming better leaders.
1-Communicate with the people
you are working with. Nobody
wants to be under the leadership of
someone they feel they can ’t
communicate with, or someone
that can ’t relate to them. That type
of relationship can cause others to
feel somewhat threatened, angry
or disgusted, making them
rebellious and less receptive to the
things you are trying to convey to
them. Work on trying to build
positive relationships with the
people who are under your
leadership. Positive relationships
usually result in a mutual respect
between both parties
2-Have an open mind. Don’t shut
out the thoughts and ideas of other
people just because you are in
charge. Consider different points of
view, and don ’t be afraid or too
haughty to take suggestions from
others. Evaluate and decide based
on what is best for a given
situation. Sometimes a person may
have a genuinely good idea, one
that is better than yours. A good
leader has the humility to accept
that and effectively carry out a
plan that is the best for the people
or the project he is in charge of.
3-Set boundaries. Although you
want to have positive relationships
with others, and you want to be
accepting to different points of
view, there will be times where a
decision must be made, and it is
your duty to make it. Don’t be
afraid to set boundaries or make
decisions that others will disagree
with. It is unlikely that everyone
will agree with every decision that
you make. However, if you have
considered all options and feel that
you have made the decision that
will result in the best outcome, stick
with it

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