Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Trust is the foundation on which a
relationship is built. If you don ’t trust
a person, howsoever you may love
him/her, your relationship will not
survive, because you have no trust
in him/her.
Trust means to believe. I trust you,
means I have no doubt in my mind
about your honesty, integrity and
credibility. No relationship can survive
without trust.
A relationship without trust can not
go any longer; sooner or later it is
going to come to an end. Guys if you
think you can not believe your
partner then its better to call off the
relationship rather than lingering
around and getting hurt in every
word she or he speaks.
Building trust in a relationship is one
of the keys to long-term happiness
and success. Trust is the most
important building block in a stable
relationship, and without it most
partnerships will dissolve over time.
No matter how much you love
someone, if you don't trust them
your relationship will be rocky.

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