Monday, December 13, 2010

Ma life..dont lose...

1. Hey… I know you
been jacked
I know you been wacked
That ’s a matter of fact.
So drop back before u
get smack.
2. Do it right first so you
don't have to do it again.
3.Frankly my dear - I
don't give a damn
4. Everytime I think I'm
out they pull me back in.
5. I'll be back!
6. One by air - two by
7. One in the hand is
worth two in the basket.
8. Don't count your
chickens until they hatch.
1. We come to love not
by finding a perfect
person, but by learning
to see an imperfect
person perfectly. -Sam
Keen, from To Love and
Be Loved
2.Have you ever
wondered which hurts
the most: saying
something and wishing
you had not, or saying
nothing, and wishing you
3.10th grade
As I sat there in English
class, I stared at the girl
next to me. She was my
so called "best friend". I
stared at her long, silky
hair, and wished she was
mine. But she didn't
notice me like that, and I
knew it. After class, she
walked up to me and
asked me for the notes
she had missed the day
before and handed them
to her. She said "thanks"
and gave me a kiss on
the cheek. I wanted to
tell her, I want her to
know that I don't want to
be just friends, I love her
but I'm just too shy, and
I don't know why.
11th grade
The phone rang. On the
other end, it was her. She
was in tears, mumbling
on and on about how her
love had broke her heart.
She asked me to come
over because she didn't
want to be alone, so I
did. As I sat next to her
on the sofa, I stared at
her soft eyes, wishing
she was mine. After 2
hours, one Drew
Barrymore movie, and
three bags of chips, she
decided to go to sleep.
She looked at me, said
"thanks" and gave me a
kiss on the cheek. I want
to tell her, I want her to
know that I don't want to
be just friends, I love her
but I'm just too shy, and
I don't know why.
Senior year
The day before prom she
walked to my locker. My
date is sick" she said; he's
not going to go well, I
didn't have a date, and in
7th grade, we made a
promise that if neither of
us had dates, we would
go together just as "best
friends". So we did. Prom
night, after everything
was over, I was standing
at her front door step. I
stared at her as she
smiled at me and stared
at me with her crystal
eyes. I want her to be
mine, but she isn't think
of me like that, and I
know it. Then she said "I
had the best time,
thanks!" and gave me a
kiss on the cheek. I want
to tell her, I want her to
know that I don't want to
be just friends, I love her
but I'm just too shy, and
I don't know why.
Graduation Day
A day passed, then a
week, then a month.
Before I could blink, it
was graduation day. I
watched as her perfect
body floated like an
angel up on stage to get
her diploma. I wanted
her to be mine, but she
didn't notice me like that,
and I knew it. Before
everyone went home,
she came to me in her
smock and hat, and cried
as I hugged her. Then
she lifted her head from
my shoulder and said,
"you're my best friend,
thanks" and gave me a
kiss on the cheek. I want
to tell her, I want her to
know that I don't want to
be just friends, I love her
but I'm just too shy, and
I don't know why.
A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of
the church. That girl is
getting married now. I
watched her say "I do"
and drive off to her new
life, married to another
man. I wanted her to be
mine, but she didn't see
me like that, and I knew
it. But before she drove
away, she came to me
and said "you came!".
She said "thanks" and
kissed me on the cheek. I
want to tell her, I want
her to know that I don't
want to be just friends, I
love her but I'm just too
shy, and I don't know
Years passed, I looked
down at the coffin of a
girl who used to be my
"best friend". At the
service, they read a
diary entry she had
wrote in her high school
years. This is what it
read: I stare at him
wishing he was mine, but
he doesn't notice me like
that, and I know it. I
want to tell him, I want
him to know that I don't
want to be just friends, I
love him but I'm just too
shy, and I don't know
why. I wish he would tell
me he loved me! `I wish
I did too...` I thought to
my self, and I cried.
4. Never Give anything
you can't afford to lose. -
tony bailey
5. Someday your prince/
princess charming will
come. Mine just took a
wrong turn, got lost, and
is too stubborn to ask for
6. In the end, it's not
going to matter how
many breaths you took,
but how many moments
took your breath away.
7. When people say "life
is short". What the hell???
Life is the longest damn
thing anyone ever
does!!! What can you do
thats longer?
8. When people say "Oh
you just want to have
your cake and eat it too".
Damn Right! What good
is cake if you can't eat it?
9. People who are willing
to get off their a** to
search the entire room
for the TV remote
because they refuse to
walk to the TV and
change the channel
10. People who point at
their wrist asking for the
time... I know where my
watch is pal, where the
hell is yours? Do I point
at my crotch when I ask
where the toilet is?

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